Ossining Watershed Discovery
What is a watershed and how to identify its features.
This is the space to introduce the team and what makes it special. Describe the team culture and work philosophy. To help site visitors connect with the team, add details about team members’ experience and skills.
Position / Role
Watershed Discovery
Steps to Discovery
You will be able to identity the features of the Ossining watershed.
-creeks, streams, rivers, river, ponds, lakes, and wetlands -
You will plot the gradient of a river according two elevations and the distance between them.
You will identify possible breaches in the watershed
You will create a topographic model and calculate the gradient/slope
Position / Role
Introduction to Watersheds
Features of a Watershed
One feature of watersheds are channels. A channel is an open (tube, trough, long and narrow or shallow depression, low point in ground) either naturally or artificially created which periodically, or continuously contains moving water, or forms a connecting link between two bodies of water.
A watershed is a land area that channels rainfall and snowmelt to creeks, streams, and rivers, and eventually to outflow points such as reservoirs, bays, and the ocean.
Watch the watershed video below.
Position / Role
Project Materials & Resources
Discovery Scope
Visit to Croton Landing Park
Collect water sample along the shore
In class perform analysis on water samples.
Watershed Lab
(Use Google Earth to investigate the Ossining watershed).
Click hear to watch demos of hpw tp ise Google Eart Tools.
Using Google Earth Tools you will perform the following.
Find an inland river that feeds and connects to the Hudson River.
Determine the slope of the river.
Look up and find the Ossining Reservoir.
Calculate the area of the Ossining Reservoir.
Do you think the reservoir holds enough water for the residents of Ossining? Explain